A Child’s Palm

The following reflection was written by Forsythia. 

She walks to a table in the center of the cafe, son at her heels. They sit, facing one another, his knees tucked under him. He leans on his elbows across the polished surface, eyes following every movement as she carefully unwraps the pastry from its cellophane protection. He bounces on his knees once or twice as the moment approaches, excitement welling up in his joints. She tears away a chunk and, trailing crumbs, places it in his little palm, stretched out in anticipation and openness and certainty. He knows that she will put there something that is delicious, something that is good, because he knows that he is loved, that he is safe. He trusts her.

But that is not always so. There is only so much this little mind can comprehend. And often what is good will look bad; what is safe will seem restrictive; what is loving will be perceived as hatred.

This is not an unfamiliar metaphor to the Christian. In Jesus’ famous words, found in Luke 11 and Matthew 7:

“What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

I am reminded of this verse as I watch this little boy with his mother. I see the outstretched hand, the way it returns again and again to the center of the table full of expectation and without hesitation, and I cannot help but be transported back in time to dark nights in bed, face wet with tears, chest constricted by sobs. Here was I holding my palms out until they burned with the effort, begging God in prayer to fill me with something good: to place in the aching emptiness of my womb a throbbing, vibrant life.

You could not tell me in those moments that God gives good gifts to his children. That he is a faithful, constant, loving parent. You could not tell me such things as I watched the world spinning in unbroken motion, life marching on in expected sequence for those around me while I was cast out of orbit to float untethered in uninhabited space. No, my heart would reject the notion of a loving God as though it were poison—my heart did reject it, for years.

I rejected it not because it was a lie, but because it was the wrong remedy for the wounds life was inflicting on me.

There are many such things that, though they are true, are utterly unhelpful in the darkest moments of infertility. If you have never experienced miscarriage or infertility, in order to love well the someone in your life who has or is, you must understand this.

Other truths that were hurtful to me in the middle of my grief were “God has a plan for you” (Jeremiah 29:11) and “All things work together for good” (Romans 8:28). These things were said to me in order to bring comfort, but they served to harden my heart.

Not all methods of healing are appropriate for every wound, and only certain kinds of medication can help certain ailments. These truths—good, rich, helpful truths—were the wrong medication for me at the time. They were meaty, rich, decadent foods that my starving body could not digest. I needed simpler nourishment, nutrition that my weakened self could absorb.

So easily, we overlook that the Word of God is not all optimism and rejoicing and victory—that hope for the Christian begins with a suffering servant who, in his moment of deepest despair, cried out to God a question that was answered with silence (Matthew 27:46). Often, this is what infertility feels like: beating our breasts, crying out to God, and hearing nothing in return. That level of brokenness cannot be mended by words, however true they may be. And in fact, these words may be added pressure that further splinters the bone.

This was my reality and, I think, reality for many who experience infertility or child loss. So, what is one to do?

To the person trying to love an infertile friend: listen exhaustively, speak rarely. Empathetic phrases like “that’s sucks” and “I’m so sorry” go a long way. This person you love will need you to believe truth and pray bold prayers for them because they will probably not be able to do it for themselves. It may not feel like it, but even in silence, you are essential. Listening leads to vulnerability and trust, and out of that deep knowing, the right words will come.

To the person going through infertility or miscarriage: relationship is messy. People will say stupid things—they will be well meaning and extremely hurtful. I am so sorry for that. But you need to find community. Isolation kills. Have grace for those that are trying to love you well. Over-communicate, even though vulnerability is so very hard. Be honest when things hurt you. Tell people what you need. Don’t do this alone.

I believe that God is a good father. I believe that he holds all things in his hands, and knows all things. I believe that he sees the path of my life in its entirety and is a wise, faithful, and trustworthy steward of that story. I believe these things, and yet I do not always believe them. Thank God for community in which to bear each others’ burdens, and for grace, which is daily needed in the messy business of loving one another.


The In-Between

wtua8kmThe following reflection was written by Cherry Blossom. 

Once you finally have a child after years of struggling with infertility, you find yourself in a very strange place. It’s hard to describe because it’s a place that doesn’t really have a definition. And despite being on the other side of the struggle of infertility, it’s still a difficult and uncertain place to be.

Before you get pregnant and you’re stuck in the painful mire of frustration and anger and sadness that is infertility, you can connect to a community of people that are going through the same thing. You can lean on them, vent to them, gain advice and encouragement. Despite how badly I didn’t want to be dealing with an unexplainable inability to have a child, I found comfort and strength in the community of people who were struggling with me. It was a sort of an underground group as infertility is somehow still a social faux pas today, and that only served to knit the community closer together and it was my place to grieve openly and share the struggle of trying to find joy in the sorrow. Then it happened. I got what they all wanted, and suddenly that was no longer a community where I belonged.

I was lucky enough to have a successful round of IVF and my daughter was born about three and a half years after my infertility struggle began. It was so easy to think that once she was born all the little and big things I mourned for along the way would just disappear. I mean, I would finally be a mom and I would feel whole again and I would be just like every other woman with a baby, right? On the outside, that’s exactly how it looked. That’s what made the place I found myself in even stranger and much more uncertain and painful.

I struggled a lot with anxiety the first few months of being a mother and I did my best to hide it. How dare I complain about this truly amazing gift? No, I was not tired. No, I had it all under control. Yeah, right. I wasn’t completely alone as I had friends that were there for me in their own way. They were still struggling with infertility, so it was difficult for them. I longed for and badly needed a community.

I tried out some mom groups. I sat there with my baby and listened to them talk about being stay-at-home moms and discussing their plans for other children. I felt like a fraud. I didn’t belong with these women. I had such a different relationship with how I became a mother that I felt like I couldn’t join in with their carefree chatter or even confide in them on how hard parenting was. I felt like it wasn’t allowed to be hard for me. I had put so much more pain, tears, and money into getting my little one. How could I ever find my place with these moms? And it surely wouldn’t have been fair of me to go back to the group of women I found such comfort in during my infertility journey as they were still grieving.

So there I was. Stuck in between.

Family was also quick to forget the agonizing journey I went through to have a child. It’s not something they want to discuss or relive because the baby is here and everybody should be happy. That fact only served to reinforce my belief that I had to put on a brave face and just be happy and completely in love with motherhood and my baby. I felt like all the grief and loss meant nothing because I finally had what I always wanted. I wanted that to be true.

My daughter does mean everything to me. She has completely changed me and shown me a type of joy I didn’t even know existed. I am so incredibly thankful for her every day. The waves of anxiety and sadness for the loss still hit me, though. I observe this beautiful little creation I have been wonderfully blessed to watch over, while still bearing the scars of past and future struggles. Holding joy and sadness at once is an odd feeling.

I still struggle with connecting completely in community because there isn’t a clear and easily defined one to fit in. Maybe that’s okay. It isn’t easy feeling like I am stuck in between communities, but I am lucky to be reminded by the women that have entered my life during these difficult days and even before them, that I am not alone. While the pain isn’t as ever present right now, the bolder of anxiety is starting to creep up again as my husband and I approach discussions of trying to grow our family. The place I am in gets even stranger and scarier when I think about working through infertility in the shadow of my active little toddler.

Infertility hits on so many different levels. The anxiety that follows it can throw you into the past or the future. We cannot change things in these places. When I am able to look up and take a step back and see the women who are in my life, and who care for me and listen to me, I am able to realize what I have here and now. I still worry and wonder if I will be able to grieve any future loss with my old community of struggling women that once gave me strength and comfort. I don’t know that I’ll ever fit there again in the traditional sense. I also don’t know if I’ll ever feel like I belong to the normal mom club, whatever that means.

Through all of this I have found that community is never perfect. It doesn’t need to be. It’s in that imperfection that real connection is found. I realized that feeling caught in between was often made better by me simply reaching out and asking for help and letting my friends respond. The chapter I am in is scary and uncertain but also joyful, silly, and even graciously mundane. Such is life with a toddler and such is life living with infertility issues.